Become a NALLTCO Member
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* Unfortunately, we are no longer able to offer joint Consumer Voice/NALLTCO memberships. For information about Consumer Voice memberships, visit
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What it means to be a member
As a NALLTCO member, you will be a part of an organization of more than 300 Ombudsmen around the nation. We strive to support and improve the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program for Local and Regional staff. Ultimately, our efforts benefit Long Term Care residents.
Types of Membership
*Please contact us if payment is a hardship.
Requirements for Membership

Certified Local/Regional Local Long Term Care Ombudsmen

Former Local/Regional Local Long Term Care Ombudsmen

Disqualified: State Ombudsman

Disqualified: AAA or State office staff who do not provide resident services 50% of their time.
As a NALLTCO member, local/regional Long Term Care Ombudsmen (LTCO) will enjoy these benefits:

Organize and promote a common voice for local/regional LTCO.

Enhance the profession of LTCO.

To advance the mutual objectives of local and regional LTCO to effectively advocate for LTC residents.

Resource Sharing
NALLTCO members share best practices, ideas and experiences with members through monthly membership calls and our NALLTCO listserv.

Safe Space
NALLTCO provides a safe space for the mutual sharing of resources and ideas among ombudsman staff.

Systemic Advocacy
NALLTCO shares the hands-on experience and needs of local/regional LTCO programs with policy makers.