About Us
An organization for local ombudsman to organize and provide a common voice to advocate and protect the rights of residents living in our long term care settings.
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Our Mission
The mission of NALLTCO is to advocate for the rights and well-being of residents in long-term care settings through empowering and supporting local and regional Ombudsman, fostering collaboration, and promoting excellence in advocacy and service delivery.
- Advocating for issues that support local long-term care Ombudsman
- Providing Support for local long-term care Ombudsmen in work related issues
- Establishing a Network among the US states and territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam and the District of Columbia through the development of STATE COORDINATORS for local and regional LTC Ombudsman programs
- Fostering an Exchange of Information and resources available through the Administration on Aging
- Providing Information to Policymakers regarding legislation and regulations that will impact local longterm care residents and the Ombudsmen
What We Do

Engage members in systemic advocacy efforts

Represent the advancement of the mutual objectives of the local long term care Ombudsman Programs on a national level

Share Info
Sharing information, ideas, experiences among the membership

Provide ongoing educational opportunities to the membership

Promote the integrity of the local long term care ombudsman program nationally

In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.
- Albert Schweitzer
Interested in joining?
NALLTCO membership is open to all current,
volunteer, and former Long Term Care Ombudsmen
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