$30 for paid staff, $10 for volunteers or retired ombudsmen. Groups of 10 or more can enjoy a 10% discount.
National Association of Local Long Term Care Ombudsman (NALLTCO)
An organization that provides support to local/regional Ombudsman programs along with a unified voice for Long Term Care Ombudsmen.
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As a NALLTCO member, local/regional Long Term Care Ombudsmen (LTCO) will enjoy these benefits:

Organize and promote a common voice for local/regional LTCO.

Enhance the profession of LTCO.

To advance the mutual objectives of local and regional LTCO to effectively advocate for LTC residents.

Resource Sharing
NALLTCO members share best practices, ideas and experiences with members through monthly membership calls and our NALLTCO listserv.

Safe Space
NALLTCO provides a safe space for the mutual sharing of resources and ideas among ombudsman staff.

Systemic Advocacy
NALLTCO shares the hands-on experience and needs of local/regional LTCO programs with policy makers.
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Join Us!
NALLTCO membership is open to all current,
volunteer, and former Long Term Care Ombudsmen
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Frequently Asked Questions
What opportunities are there for me to help NALLTCO with their systemic advocacy?
We have a variety of committees and always welcome members to volunteer their expertise to our cause. We have committees that address training and education along with advocacy needs. Members are encouraged to join our Board of Directors to share your talents with NALLTCO.
If I sign up as a part of a group, can I pay for my membership individually?
Yes! Individuals in the group can pay separately or as a group. You can choose which option works best for you when you enroll for membership.
My organization needs a copy of your W9 in order to pay my membership. How can I obtain this?
Please email us at: nalltcoorg@gmail.com and this will be sent to you.
Can my agency pay my NALLTCO dues?
Yes, payment can be accepted by anyone.